We meet a lot of folks throughout the year, at shows and online, and one thing that we see a lot of is people wanting a Gremlin Bell, but wanting to stick with the tradition that it works better if someone else gives it to you. We see some pretty crazy-wonderful displays of puppy dog eyes to buddies and loved ones. Doesn't always work. Some folks don't know about it, some folks don't get it and some folks are just cheap bastards. some folks flat out simply don't have anyone to get them one. That last one really chafes my pink and pretties. Nope. Not today, not no more. We can do better and we can put some grins on some faces while we do it! Starting RFN we've got a new tradition of our own down here at Killman Customs, and we're calling it Share a Little Love. We've added a couple of items to our store and Guardian & Gremlin Bells pages. We've called them the Share a Little Love Bell and the Share Some HUGE-MONGEOUS Love Bell. Now here's the good part. When you buy one of these bells you're sending it anonymously to another random lucky puppy. The Share a Little Love Bell is a regular size Guardian or Gremlin bell of the recipient's choice. The Share Some HUGE-MONGEOUS Love Bell is the same thing, but one of our HUGE-MONGEOUS bells, (Skullcrusher, Da Bomb, Da Bong) instead.
Now here's the even gooder part. When you buy the bell, you tell us under "Note to Seller" during checkout which bell you'd like to receive anonymously as a gift from some other awesome individual. You'd be amazed at how good it can feel to reach out and send, or how much it can mean to receive, an anonymous surprise gift out of the blue one day. We've set the prices at fifteen and twenty five dollars on these gift bells to reward you all for doing your part and shining a little light. Remember to send us a pic when you get your bell and we promise to add it to our Show & Shine page. Gonna feel pretty good to know you created one of those smiles yourself. So pick yourself out a bell and pay forward some joy!
July 2020